She Got A Weight Loss Mindset in The Inner Self Diet – The Gift that Keeps On Giving!

The JoLynn Braley Show | End the Binge with JoLynn show

Summary: <br> <br> Wow, this week there were four more exceptional women who became Graduates of The Inner Self Diet! Congratulations to each and every one of them!!<br> <br> This means that there are even more exceptional women who are now living with struggle-free permanent weight loss.<br> <br> Why? Because they did all of the steps in the proven, step-by-step system I founded, which is The Inner Self Diet. Therefore they each experienced a core, Inner Transformation that has made them a match on the Inside to the body they always wanted on the outside.<br> <br> Once you do that then it's easy to live a healthy and fit lifestyle. There's <a href="">no more struggle</a>!<br> Just imagine...what would that be like for YOU if you no longer had to fight between that part of your <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Inner Self</a> that continues to overeat, stuff, binge, and eat even more, and the other part of your Inner Self that does want to lose weight?  If you no longer had to struggle and fight against your own worst enemy (YOU!) then what could possibly stop you from losing weight and keeping it off?!<br> <br> <br> Additionally the Graduates of The Inner Self Diet have all of the Inner Self Tools needed to continue to feed their mind before they feed their body so that they can maintain their mindset. For life! It just takes specific action and they now know exactly which steps to take.<br> <br> With a weight loss mindset it's not only easy to lose weight it's also easy to maintain it. Once you've reached your ideal body weight then your mindset transitions to a <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Fit Mindset</a>, since my clients certainly aren't interested in continuing to lose weight forever!<br> <br> Perhaps you can relate: Do you really want to continue to Lose Weight Forever?? Which actually, that's what you're already doing, isn't it. You can lose weight but then you always regain it, and then lose, regain, lose,'s that never-ending hamster-wheel-o-struggle with your weight. Not any fun!<br> To listen in immediately to what Julie has to say about struggle-free permanent weight loss, a Result of her weight loss mindset, simply click the Play button on the audio player now!<br> <br> <a href=""></a><br> What if instead you were to take care of the Ninety Percent of the problem? That's your MINDSET. Then the Ten Percent would be easy. What's the 10%? Well that's diet and exercise! Diet and exercise is a lonely Ten Percent of the solution to lasting success with your weight.<br> <br> Conversely, it's only ten percent of your ongoing problems of struggle with your weight. That's why mainstream diet and exercise programs have never given you struggle-free permanent success!<br> She Got A Weight Loss Mindset - So Can YOU!<br> Now let's hear from Julie, one of the very recent Graduates of  The Inner Self Diet.<br> <br> Julie not only shared a written testimonial to help YOU get inspired and share in her success but she also recorded an audio testimonial with me!<br> <br> She did this because she has a message for you, since she used to be where you are today! Julie used to feel depressed and hopeless about her weight. Today though, she is happy about each new day and she literally does a "Happy Dance" each morning! You'll hear her talk about that in her audio testimonial.<br> <br> To cut right to the chase Julie shared that  this was the best Christmas present she could ever give herself. What's the gift?