How to Love Your Body Without Chocolate on Valentine’s Day [Podcast #059]

The JoLynn Braley Show | End the Binge with JoLynn show

Summary: Unfortunately for the  <a title="78.6 Million are obese in the USA per the CDC" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">78.6 million in the US who are overweight or obese</a>,  Valentine's Day is yet another easy excuse to continue to give their power to food and continue the cycle of overeating - this time it's on chocolate, but if it were the Fourth of July it could be fried chicken. Notice that the underlying addiction doesn't change with the time of year, it's still there - unless the root of your ongoing <a title="Fast Food, Heroin, and Food Addiction, What's the Connection?" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">addiction to food</a> has been healed. And the good news is, once the root is healed, then you are free! No matter what time of year it may be.<br> <br> How do I know that <a href="">Valentine's Day</a> (or any other day) is just an excuse to keep overeating? Because I've been there myself!  Here's what I mean:<br> <br> There's always a holiday or an occasion to use for your "logic" to keep overeating and out of balance. It's either a holiday, the weekend, a birthday, <a title="Are You a Last Supper Eater?" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">last supper eating on Sunday night</a>, a vacation, or the Big <a title="3 Ways to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain [Podcast #047]" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Holiday Season</a>. There's always some reason why it's not a good time to "start" eating healthy and getting fit!<br> <br> But then, you end up feeling really bad because you can't stop eating and overeating, and the chocolate only packs on the pounds. It seems to be fun while you're eating the chocolate but after you're done, you look in the mirror and aren't too happy about your results!<br> <br> What if you could <a title="If You Keep Doing the Same Thing, You'll Keep Getting the Same Result" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">do something different</a>? What if you could love YOU on Valentine's Day and do it without a box of chocolates?<br> <br> Here's something Even Better: What if you could love yourself and your body Year Round? After all, just one day out of the year isn't enough time to feel good when you deserve to feel good 365 days of the year!!<br> <br> <br> How to Love Your Body Without Chocolate on Valentine's Day<br> In this podcast lite episode of  <a title="LIKE Our Facebook Page and Be the First to be notified about New Weight Loss Podcasts!" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">The JoLynn Braley Show</a>  I'll share with you how to love your body without using chocolate on Valentine's Day. But remember! You can use this information at ANY time of the year! Especially if you're a sugar addict or a food addict.<br> <br> Grab pen and paper for this Free Weight Loss Podcast episode of <a title="LIKE Our Facebook Page and Be the First to be notified about New Weight Loss Podcasts!" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">The JoLynn Braley Show</a>. On each episode of The JoLynn Braley Show you receive questions to ask yourself, which will help you gain clarity about where you are and what you want. You'll get so much out of this <a style="line-height: 1.5em;" title="The JoLynn Braley Show on iTunes" href="">Free iTunes Podcast</a> when you write each question down on paper with pen and then write down your answer.<br>