3 Ways to Make Bikini Season Weight Loss Easier [Podcast #068]

The JoLynn Braley Show | End the Binge with JoLynn show

Summary: Bikini season is fast approaching. Are you READY for it?<br> <br> How would you feel if you put on a bikini and walked down a crowded beach Today?<br> <br> What if you could feel so good in your own skin that you no longer worried about what anyone else may or may not think of you? Then what?!<br> <br> But....as all of us know...you must DO something radically different in order to get radically different results. Therefore, if today you are 30, 50, 80 pounds or more overweight, then it can be quite a stretch to imagine being thin, slender, and fit, right? Much less getting into a bikini!<br> <br> The Good News is that you CAN make bikini season weight loss easier. No, I'm not talking about some silly fad or <a title="Magical Weight Loss: Why It Never Appears [Podcast #030]" href="https://fearlessfatloss.com/podcast/magical-weight-loss-never-happens/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">magical weight loss</a> cure but instead making it easy to live healthy and fit - the only real cure for your overweight.<br> 3 Ways to Make Bikini Season Weight Loss Easier<br> <br> <br> In this episode of  <a title="LIKE Our Facebook Page and Be the First to be notified about New Weight Loss Podcasts!" href="http://www.theJoLynnBraleyShow.com" target="_blank" rel="noopener">The JoLynn Braley Show</a> let's look at how to make it easy to lose weight and get back into bikini shape.  <br> <br> Make sure to have pen and paper to take notes so that you benefit from the connection that occurs between your hand, head and heart. You do not get this connection from typing on a keyboard and certainly not from just listening.  Therefore you'll get so much more out of this <a style="line-height: 1.5em;" title="The JoLynn Braley Show on iTunes" href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-jolynn-braley-show/id591311256">FREE iTunes Podcast</a> when you write your notes and the questions I pose with your answers using pen and paper.<br> <br> In this week's episode you'll learn:<br> <br> * Where the REAL problem is (you've thought it was your butt but it's actually your head!)<br> * Why it definitely can be easy to lose weight, which all depends on One Thing (it's NOT your diet!)<br> * Why you are doomed to struggle endlessly with your weight if you never heal the Root of WHY you become overweight in the first place.<br> <br> Let's listen in to this week's episode of <a title="LIKE Us on Facebook and Get a Shout Out on The Show!" href="http://www.thejolynnbraleyshow.com">The JoLynn Braley Show</a> to learn more.  Simply click the play button on the player on this page and you can listen immediately.<br> <br> And of course,  when you decide to do <a href="http://theinnerselfdiet.com" target="_blank" rel="noopener">the proven steps to get a core, true, weight loss mindset</a>, then you'll be LIVING struggle-free with your weight instead of just listening to me talk about it (wouldn't that be fun!)!  <a title="Struggle-Free Permanent Weight Loss Success Stories from Graduates of The Inner Self Diet" href="https://fearlessfatloss.com/testimonials-jolynn-braley" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Click here</a> to read what the Graduates of The Inner Self Diet have to say about releasing all of their struggles with food and their weight and how cool it would be if YOU were to do the same thing they did (who wouldn't want to end all of their self-sabotage and struggle with food and their weight?!).<br> <br> Listen In Below to The JoLynn Braley Show!<br> Be sure and <a title="Subscribe to The JoLynn Braley Show on iTunes!" href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-jolynn-braley-show/id591311256">subscribe on iTunes</a> to get immediate access to the show each week.  LIKE our <a title="LIKE The JoLynn Braley Show on Facebook and get a Shout Out on the show!" href="http://www.thejolynnbraleyshow.com">Facebook Page</a> and get a "shout out" on the show!<br> <br>