What Will It Take For You To Be WILLING To Change Your Eating Habits? [Podcast #073]

The JoLynn Braley Show | End the Binge with JoLynn show

Summary: <a href="https://fearlessfatloss.com/weight-loss-discovery-session-jolynn-braley/"></a>It's a big question only you can ask yourself: What WILL it take for you to be willing to change your eating habits?<br> <br> Bottom-line truth: you're just not going to get the results of <a href="https://fearlessfatloss.com/podcast/how-to-know-you-have-achieved-permanent-weight-loss/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">permanent weight loss</a> as long as you refuse to change. It's interesting though because millions who are <a href="https://www.cdc.gov/obesity/data/adult.html" target="_blank" rel="noopener">struggling with obesity and overweight</a> right now are also wishing they could lose weight....but they want those results while continuing to live the same lifestyle they are living right now.<br> <br> Yeah, I know it doesn't make sense, but how many folks want to be a millionaire and they aren't taking action to become one? How many folks say they want to meet their ideal mate but they isolate themselves at home, binge eating secretly <a href="https://fearlessfatloss.com/emotional-eating/5-tips-to-avoid-night-eating-and-sabotaging-your-diet/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">at night</a>?<br> <br> How many millions are looking for a <a href="https://fearlessfatloss.com/diet-reviews/the-sprinkle-diet-5-reasons-it-wont-work/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">quick fix</a> for their overweight, buying low dollar fixes that never heal <a href="http://theinnerselfdiet.com" target="_blank" rel="noopener">the real problem</a>, while continuing to hope and pray they can somehow get amazing results and keep eating the junk food they're eating today?<br> <br> Hey, I've totally been there before, deluding myself that "someday my prince would come" and save me on his white horse - not a prince I'd marry by "my prince" who would zap all of my overeating,  <a href="https://fearlessfatloss.com/podcast/just-imagine-really-could-end-your-emotional-eating-this-year/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">emotional eating</a>, <a href="https://fearlessfatloss.com/podcast/not-binge-eating-even-though-beloved-cat-died/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">binge eating</a>, and fat body problems. Guess what? That's never gonna happen!<br> <br> I know it's hard to Get REAL with yourself and brutally honest with YOU but you're gotta do it if you're ever going to change your eating habits, drop the fat, and keep it off. Do keep in mind though, that what makes all of this struggle-free to DO is a weight loss mindset. That's the result my coaching clients get when working with me personally in <a href="http://theinnerselfdiet.com" target="_blank" rel="noopener">The Inner Self Diet</a>.<br> <br> <br> What Will It Take For You To Be WILLING To Change Your Eating Habits?<br> In this week's  FREE Weight Loss Podcast episode from The JoLynn Braley Show, get the 7th One Thought Shift for Weight Loss in the exclusive series found only on The JoLynn Braley Show! Each one thought shift is delivered in 10 minutes or less.<br> <br> In this week's episode of The JoLynn Braley Show:<br> <br> * Get the one thought shift you need to make if you're serious about achieving permanent success with your weight.<br> * What you need to do to make weight loss struggle-free (struggle-free means it's no big deal to do the stuff you must do in order to live a healthy and fit lifestyle)<br> * Get honest with yourself: what exactly is it gonna take? (I hope you're not waiting for a dreaded dis-ease because often by that time, making healthy lifestyle changes is too late)<br> <br> Be sure to  <a title="Subscribe to The JoLynn Braley Show on iTunes!" href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-jolynn-braley-show/id591311256">subscribe on iTunes</a> to The JoLynn Braley Show and get immediate access to each new episode on Thursday. <a title="LIKE The JoLynn Braley Show on Facebook and get a Shout Out on the show!" href="http://www."></a>