3 Ways Your Trust Issues Will Make You Fat [Podcast #125]

The JoLynn Braley Show | End the Binge with JoLynn show

Summary: When it comes to weight loss you might think you've covered all of the bases as to <a title="Why Is It So Hard to Get Motivated to Lose Weight? [Podcast #087]" href="https://fearlessfatloss.com/podcast/why-it-is-so-hard-to-get-motivated-to-lose-weight/">why it's so hard for you to lose weight.</a> Not only to lose weight, but also to <a title="Is Permanent Weight Loss Really Possible? [Podcast #017]" href="https://fearlessfatloss.com/podcast/is-permanent-weight-loss-really-possible/">keep it off</a>!<br> <br> But have you ever considered that your trust issues could be keeping you fat?<br> <br> What if a lack of trust could stop you from dropping the fat and keeping it off? What if you've never even considered this before? Maybe you're like most people, who are only looking for the newest food diet to tell them what to eat, how much to eat, and when to eat?<br> <br> But what if everything you thought you knew about <a title="She Easily Stopped Binge Eating – Struggle-Free Weight Loss Success Video #01" href="https://fearlessfatloss.com/success-stories/how-she-easily-stopped-binge-eating-struggle-free-weight-loss-success-video/">successful weight loss</a> isn't the whole solution?<br> <br> What if there's a reason that all of those diets you've done have failed you? You know - maybe you've tried Weight Watchers, or Jenny Craig, or maybe you've taken the green smoothie cleanse route. No matter what you've done though, you've continued to avoid the Real problem.<br> <br> It's possible that you've done this because you have never realized what the Real problem is. What is the Real problem for YOU? I don't know! Unless you are one of my awesome coaching clients I'm working with in The Inner Self Diet. You see, to heal the Real Problem, it's pretty tough to do it on your own, just because you don't know what you don't know.<br> <br> <br> <br> One thing is for certain though: The Real Problem that is stopping you from achieving struggle-free, lasting success with your weight is within YOU. Yes! It's an Inner Self problem. The Good News is that once you heal your Inner Self and transform whatever it is that drives you to sabotage your weight loss efforts, THEN you'll be free.<br> <br> Then you'll achieve struggle-free weight loss.<br> <br> Then you'll <a title="She Released 37 Years of Struggle with Yo-Yo Dieting and Compulsive Overeating" href="https://fearlessfatloss.com/success-stories/she-ended-yo-yo-dieting-compulsive-overeating/">stop yo-yo dieting</a>, <a title="How She Stopped Binge Eating After 30 Years [Podcast #025]" href="https://fearlessfatloss.com/podcast/how-she-stopped-binge-eating-after-30-years/">binge eating</a>, and <a title="Emotional Eating – How Can You Stop It? [Podcast #014]" href="https://fearlessfatloss.com/podcast/emotional-eating-how-can-you-stop-it/">emotional eating</a>. However, until you heal the root of the problem that is within you, you will continue to struggle with your weight. Why? Because the food diets you're chasing cannot heal the Root of why you became overweight and out of shape in the first place. Nor are they supposed to!<br> <br> In today's podcast episode we'll look at one Inner Self issue that can make you fat, which is a lack of trust. Usually you hear trust spoken of when it comes to relationships, but guess what? The primary relationship you have in your life is the relationship between You and YOU. If that relationship is unhealthy, then all of the rest will follow.   <br> 3 Ways Your Trust Issues Will Make You Fat<br> In this episode of  <a title="LIKE Our Facebook Page and Be the First to be notified about New Weight Loss Podcasts!" href="http://www.theJoLynnBraleyShow.com" target="_blank">The JoLynn Braley Show</a>  you'll hear me share about the dangers of weighing yourself daily and what that does to your life. WARNING: This is Get Real episode #29 of The JoLynn Braley Show,