My Amazing 13 Week Weight Loss Update with Totally Struggle-free Weight Loss [Podcast #252]

The JoLynn Braley Show | End the Binge with JoLynn show

Summary: <a href=""></a>My amazing 13 week weight loss update with totally struggle-free weight loss is super amazing if you're like the millions of smart women who right now are struggling to stop binge eating, stop emotional eating, stop sabotaging yourself and just lose weight and keep it off. Finally, right?! I mean really.... wouldn't weight loss be super easy for YOU if you could just stop the struggle, live a healthy lifestyle, and do it with ease and grace?<br> <br> What if you could do this no matter what were to happen in your life? Even if you were to total your car in an auto collision? Can you imagine going through an experience like that, and even though you weren't at fault in the collision, can you imagine being so upset about the whole thing, at the time you thought your dog had died, and going through All Of That without even having one thought to binge eat or emotionally eat to soothe your upset?<br> <br> How frickin' easy would weight loss be if you could do that? Well you've gotta listen in now to episode #252 of The JoLynn Braley Show to hear all about my amazing 13 week update with totally struggle-free weight loss and keep in mind that the amazing part is not even about the amount of fat I dropped since last week. Because it's not! What's really amazing is when you've done the proven steps to heal the inner root of what drives you to eat out-of-control now... once the root of that pain and frustration is healed, then you'll be able to live healthy and fit too, No Matter What Happens in your life (even crappy stuff!).<br> <br> Grab pen and paper to take notes and see how many Aha's you get for yourself. See what you resonate with and what inspirations to take action you may receive. Remember to always take immediate action on inspired action because that's the easiest action to take!<br> My Amazing 13 Week Weight Loss Update<br> I must warn you that this is Get REAL episode number 58 of my free weight loss podcast and you're just not going to like it if you're not willing to Get REAL with yourself now.<br> <br> <br> <br> Why Get Real with YOU today? Because it's a first step towards being a thinner YOU tomorrow! Without getting real today, you'll continue to spin in Tomorrowland, Somedayville and the no man's land of "Monday things will be different". That just doesn't move you forward, does it. Those lands of overweight and overeating only perpetuate the problem and make it worse over time.<br> <br> In this week's episode of The JoLynn Braley Show:<br> <br> * Get my amazing 13 week weight loss update.<br> * Find out WHY it's so gosh darned amazing! Hint: the amazing part isn't the fact that I dropped more fat in the past week!<br> * Write down the questions you'll get, pen on paper, and then write your answers to each question, pen on paper. Get the most out of this free weight loss podcast with your follow through.<br> <br> Be sure to  <a title="Subscribe to The JoLynn Braley Show on iTunes!" href="">subscribe on iTunes</a> to The JoLynn Braley Show and get immediate access to each new episode on Thursday. <a title="LIKE The JoLynn Braley Show on Facebook and get a Shout Out on the show!" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Click Here</a> and  LIKE our <a title="LIKE The JoLynn Braley Show on Facebook and get a Shout Out on the show!" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Facebook Page</a> and get a "shout out" on the show!<br> <br> If you don't have an iTunes account yet, you can easily <a title="Free iTunes account signup!" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">click here and sign up</a> FREE.<br> <a style="color: #ff00ff;" title="Subscribe to The JoLynn..."></a>