The Power of Words in Weight Loss [Podcast #264]

The JoLynn Braley Show | End the Binge with JoLynn show

Summary: <a href=""></a>"The power of words in weight loss" - what the heck does this mean? Well it's pretty simple: the words you speak, the words you think, and the words you repeat will either hold you back forever from achieving permanent weight loss, or the words you think, speak, and repeat can set you free. It's completely up to you!<br> <br> The thing is though, is if you're struggling with a fat mindset (that's a mindset filled with resistance and negativity about the topic of your body, your weight, your binge eating and out-of-control urges to eat) then you've gotta become willing to raise your awareness of what you're saying and what you're thinking before you'll ever be able to change it.<br> <br> <a class="swp_CTT style3" href=";via=JoLynnBraley&amp;url=;utm_medium=Social&amp;utm_campaign=SocialWarfare" data-link=";via=JoLynnBraley&amp;url=;utm_medium=Social&amp;utm_campaign=SocialWarfare" rel="nofollow noreferrer noopener" target="_blank">All change is preceded by awareness.Click To Tweet</a><br> <br> Before you can change your weight loss results, before you can <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">end your binge eating</a>, before you can stop emotional eating, before you can get weight loss results that last, you must become aware of your Inner Self and then <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">heal your Inner Self</a>.<br> <br> You'll want to become aware of whatever it is that's going on within you that drives your unhealthy behaviors. What are the specific words, thought patterns, and mantras you run in your mind daily? Are your <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">beliefs</a> supporting you in struggle-free weight loss that lasts, or are your beliefs driving your behind-the-blinds binge eating that you don't want anyone to know about?<br> <br> If you raise your awareness and find that your ongoing patterns of thought and speech are holding you back and keeping your body fat then those are patterns of thought and speech that you'll want to change. Otherwise you won't stop binge eating, you won't end your emotional eating, and you won't be able to lose weight and keep it off. But you want to end those struggles, right? If you do then you'll need to start with your Inner Self. Change your mind to change your eating behaviors, which will make it easy to lose weight and keep it off.<br> <br> <br> <br> All of this starts with a thought, which is a word, which leads us to the power of words in weight loss!<br> The Power of Words in Weight Loss<br> Words have power and you are the only one who can change the words you speak and the thoughts you think. No one else can change what you think, what you say, and the words you repeatedly say to yourself and to others. If you're serious about ending your food and weight struggles once and for all you'll have to replace the negative, unhealthy, overweight thought patterns and speech patterns you're in the habit of now.<br> <br> Achieving permanent weight loss (which requires healing the root of your disordered eating) hinges on healing what is 92.8% of the problem, and that problem is all about your inner world.