How She Stopped Binge Eating Instantly [Podcast #292]

The JoLynn Braley Show | End the Binge with JoLynn show

Summary: <a href=""></a>Ok, first things first: Sally's results are not typical, not at all. With that being said, in this week's free weight loss podcast  you'll get to hear how she stopped binge eating instantly.<br> <br> Yes, instantly. Overnight. Right away she stopped binge eating.<br> <br> Say whaaatt? I know! This was my same reaction, and I'm the one coaching her. But here's the thing: my tools and step-by-step proven system is not meant to stop binge eating instantly. These things take time to heal and resolve. However, the truth For Sally is that she has done just this: she stopped binge eating instantly because of some specific actions and decisions that she made for herself. She did not get these results by magic.<br> <br> Before Sally began doing my proven steps to end her binge eating she'd been struggling with consistent binge eating, sometimes nightly. Like everyone else she'd tried several different things, some had given her some success, but she hadn't had a solid breakthrough. So far she's already 77 days binge-free, which is completely amazing since we haven't even completed the core transformation steps yet!<br> <br> Again though, her results are NOT typical. I've been coaching smart, successful women since 2009 through my proven step-by-step system The Inner Self Diet and I have never had a client who stopped binge eating instantly like Sally has. In fact, to date, she's 77 days binge-free. Yay Sally!!<br> <br> The good news is that my other coaching clients end their binge eating too! They just don't do it instantly, nor do I tell anyone they should expect to stop binge eating overnight. You didn't start <a href="">emotional eating</a>, binge eating, or <a href="">compulsive overeating,</a> yesterday, correct? If you're like everyone else you've been struggling with disordered eating for years and years and years.<br> <br> <br> <br> Heck, if you're like <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">most people</a> who are struggling to lose weight then you probably spend most of your time searching for more information on how to eat and how to exercise. You likely have not been addressing the real problems, because the mainstream diet industry only focuses on the symptoms.<br> <br> What are your symptoms? Your overweight, overeating, binge eating, food obsessions, emotional eating, food addictions - any of the symptoms that arise from the root of the real problem will not be healed permanently unless you address the root of these problems.<br> <br> Make sense?<br> How She Stopped Binge Eating Instantly<br> Sally literally stopped binge eating instantly upon enrolling in The Inner Self Diet. As of today she's 77 days binge-free.<br> <br> This is absolutely amazing, and UNEXPECTED. I do not tell any new client that they are going to stop binge eating instantly or even quickly! Things just don't work like this.<br> <br> With that being said, Sally is an example of the exception, and there's no reason for her to hold herself back just because others are out there in the world struggling with their binge eating problems. Sally is the one who decided for herself to clear up the issues that have been bothering her, and she is the one following through for herself.<br> <br> This brings up a side topic of the fact that when you fully succeed in achieving the permanent weight loss you seek, which means that you'll need to stop binge eating, end emotional eating, and end the struggle for good, then when you accomplish this success there will be people out there who don't like this and they will want you to stop.