3 Things Natalie from Survivor Can Teach You About Permanent Weight Loss [Podcast #302]

The JoLynn Braley Show | End the Binge with JoLynn show

Summary: <a href="https://fearlessfatloss.com/weight-loss-discovery-session-jolynn-braley/"></a>I've been a Survivor fan for many years and you can really learn a lot about psychology if you watch the show from that standpoint. Last week after watching the second episode of Survivor David vs. Goliath, I was inspired to do a free weight loss podcast episode this week to share with you 3 things that Natalie can teach you about permanent weight loss.<br> <br> Note: what Natalie can teach you about permanent weight loss has nothing to do with her weight or her eating habits. Nope! Not at all.<br> <br> Instead, there are 3 fundamental things that popped out at me while watching the show that directly apply to YOU and whether or not you will succeed in achieving permanent weight loss. These 3 things about permanent weight loss impact your mindset and will determine either how committed you are to achieving  long term success with your weight, or how committed you are to feeding your <a href="https://fearlessfatloss.com/podcast/how-to-win-at-weight-loss-with-this-one-thought-shift/">instant gratification</a> monster with food.<br> 3 Things Natalie from Survivor Can Teach You About Permanent Weight Loss<br> Unknowingly, Natalie's presence on Survivor David vs. Goliath brings gold to the table regarding the topic of permanent weight loss.<br> <br> Probably no one else on the planet would see this, and that's why I'm the founder of <a href="https://theinnerselfdiet.com" target="_blank" rel="noopener">The Inner Self Diet</a>! And maybe possibly, that's why my clients are so successful when they simply follow my proven steps in The Inner Self Diet.<br> <br> <br> <br> I see these 3 things Natalie from Survivor can teach you about permanent weight loss that have nothing at all to do with her weight, her eating, dieting, nothing at all along those lines. Instead, this is about the real stuff that counts.<br> <br> The real stuff that is going to determine whether or not you will end up losing weight and keeping it off for good.<br> <br> Always remember: mindset is 92.8% of the battle. If you get the right mindset, weight loss will be easy peasy. But if you don't, if you continue to struggle with a faulty, fat mindset, which is a mindset grounded in F.A.T., Fear Attracting Thoughts... if you persist on that path then you'll continue to struggle.<br> <br> The way you know you're off track with your mindset is if you already know exactly what you could be doing to lose weight for good, and you're not doing it.<br> <br> This is the #1 glaring sign you have a mindset problem. This CAN be fixed! All you gotta do is get a weight loss mindset. That's what I do with my awesome coaching clients in The <a href="https://fearlessfatloss.com/success-stories/she-stopped-binge-eating-with-the-inner-self-diet/">Inner Self Diet</a>.<br> 3 Things Natalie from Survivor Can Teach You About Permanent Weight Loss [Podcast #302]<br> In episode #302 of  <a title="LIKE Our Facebook Page and Be the First to be notified about New Weight Loss Podcasts!" href="http://www.theJoLynnBraleyShow.com" target="_blank" rel="noopener">The JoLynn Braley Show</a> you're going to learn the 3 things Natalie from Survivor can teach you about permanent weight loss!<br> <br> Take notes and get willing to be totally honest with yourself, if that is, you want to make progress in achieving permanent weight loss. Do keep in mind that you won't learn anything by only listening to my voice. The way to get the most out of my totally free weight loss podcast is to grab pen and paper and follow my instructions during the podcast.<br> <br> Of course you cannot do this when driving. You can opt to give yourself distraction-free time to spend With Yourself though, to get the most out of my 100% Free weight loss podcast.<br> <br> <a class="swp_CTT style3" href="https://twitter.com/share?"></a>