Yoga and Addiction with Nikki Myers

Yogaland Podcast show

Summary: Today's guest, Nikki Myers, a yoga therapist and the founder of Y12SR (Yoga of 12-Step Recovery), shares how yoga has helped with her personal struggles with addiction and helped thousands of people through Y12SR. Even if you've never been touched personally by addiction, her insights and advice apply to anyone who's had to overcome a challenge in life.  We talk about: * Nikki's personal road to recovery, what she learned along the way, and how yoga helped her heal * Why an important part of practicing yoga is embracing ALL sides of yourself, and why it's important not to deny or hide the things you're less proud of * How the 12-step program is similar to yoga and why yoga is such a great complement to the 12 steps * Nikki and Andrea share their thoughts on the opioid crisis and how, as bad as things are, the good that has come from it. It's forcing government officials and the healthcare establishment to take a look at the emotional side behind the disease of addiction * What co-dependency really is and how it relates to addiction  <br><br><p>Support this show <a target="_blank" rel="payment" href=""></a>.</p>  <br><hr><p style="color: grey;">See <a style="color: grey;" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href=""></a> for privacy and opt-out information.</p>