BWE Special 02 - Growing your business: Challenges for yourself and your team /w Samantha Woolven

Backwater Entrepreneur show

Summary: Growing your business comes with a lot of challenges, both for yourself as an entrepreneur as well as your team. Managing team dynamics and the individuals within the growing company means that sometimes you have to recognize do you have the right team for the stage that your business is in? Are you enabling your team to outgrow you and why that should be your goal? Are you happy being an entrepreneur or are you creating a job for yourself in the future? To all these and much more, my guest and me try to give answers to in this episode. Samantha Woolven is a business consultant who is constantly challenging the status quo, removing mistrust, creating a safe environment for real problems to be tackled openly and honestly. She brings the right people together and get them talking. By enabling people to be bigger, better, stronger, and more sure versions of themselves, she helps businesses to co-create strategies for change that are rooted in real-life and flexible enough for the future. You can connect with Samantha on these links: Simon Sinek talk referenced in the show "Start with why" You can check out this podcast on YouTube: Check out Solutium, and custom made animation explainer video production at