Episode 2 (And audio has been fixed)

Radio Golden Dawn America  show

Summary: THE SPIRITS OF THE FALLEN MARCH BY OUR SIDE! -Imia 2/2/2013- George, who has attended numerous Imia marches, and Ed, discuss what exactly the rally commemorates, as well as what this demonstration means for Greece, and the whole Western world. We also talk about the blood, sweat and tears that go into organizing this march, as well as the parliament treason and Turkish violence that murdered 3 young Greek soldiers without any justice! -January 19th: Liberals, illegal immigrants, and Anarchists come out against Golden Dawn after months of planning. Some funny stories from the highly publicized, state backed, pathetic 2,000 person march, including Anarchists getting chased away by their illegal immigrant comrades screaming "ALLAH AKBAR"! Enlightened citizens of the Congo give Greeks advice on human rights. -Case study: Contrasting nationalist movements in Holland with Golden Dawn in Greece. Ed and George give tough love advice to comrades in the rest of Europe and the Occident, regarding ideology and organizing, principle against mindless reaction. (Golden Dawn doesn't blame immigrants for the economic crisis) -Deconstructing Jewish and Greek Historical relations- Ed sheds some insight on Judah Maccabee and the Jewish revolt against multiculturalism/assimilation (a vicious race war against Greeks commemorated on Hannukah) and how the international Zionist power structure today support extreme racism (including the sterilization of Ethiopian Jews) for Israel, but demand Greek borders stay open. We also speak about the Zionist Henry Kissinger and his confession about the plan to exterminate Greeks and their culture in 1974. -The plan for Greek Genocide!International finance's austerity regulations are hiking taxes for Greeks who have children! A bill is also in the works that would allow the Greek government to harvest human organs to pay the illegitimate debt. Is the IMF selling organs on the black market? George and Ed speculate. -Addressing the wealthy Greek journalists abroad writing smears against Golden Dawn and Greece. ...And much, much more!