Episode 3- Now with links and sources in text

Radio Golden Dawn America  show

Summary: THEIR LIES ARE GREAT, THE STAKES ARE HIGH Opening- Apathetic liberalism For Greeks, Guns and base tribalism for Albanians & FYROM: Background on the naming of Macedonia and how NATO and EU want Greeks to let their guard down on the issue. FYROM as an important staging point for alien powers in the Balkans. How the globalists have funded and provided military aid to the enemies of Greece and Serbia, encouraging Albanians and Skopjians to steal their land and history, while teaching in Greek schools that caring about their historical legacy is outdated. MACEDONIA IS GREEK, KOSOVO IS SERBIA! 48' mins- Greek Orthodox Church in Syria under siege! Turkey and Zionist-Israel are supporting Jihadists in beheading Christians in Syria and desecrating holy sites, yet the church is staying uncomfortably silent on this matter. Greek Orthodox Christians will face genocide if Bashar Assad capitulates to the Turk and Zionist backed rebels. 58' mins- Innocent Anarchist Angels: Children of the rich!(literally and metaphorically) How the international press,globalist NGO's, and Syriza advocate for bank robbing, bombing, murderous members of the Conspiracy of Fire Nuclei bank robbers that got a few black eyes when resisting arrest. Members of the group murdered a taxi driver in Paros last August, where are his human rights? 1:19:49 - Reductio ad Hitlerum- A small grassroots effort by Greeks in Nuremberg to aid their homeland and inform fellow expatriates with facts, becomes a vast conspiracy in the English-language press. German patriots who are merely curious about Golden Dawn strike fear-by-association into the heart of their military occupied totalitarian government, and ironic outrage from racist Zionist-advocacy groups. - Racist Democrats: "Hateful" Nationalists from all over Europe and the world show solidarity and empathy to the Hellenic people at the Imia, as well as in their own countries by sending aid to the working-poor and unemployed of Greece. Meanwhile, the tolerant democrats like Merkel defame Greeks as a lazy and useless race. ...And More!