Episode 6: Bad Boys/Good Men

Radio Golden Dawn America  show

Summary: THE YOUTH IS AWAKE- PUSHING BACK AGAINST THE DECLINE -The insolent Mayor George "Absent" Kaminis abuses his municipal authority and unleashes barbaric teargas and chemical spray attacks against a crowd of needy families. The crime against humanity? Golden Dawn's agenda to make sure our brothers and sisters don't go hungry on Easter. International media's attempt for damage control of the Mayor's reputation accused XA MP Germenis of punching a 12 year old girl and trying to shoot the Mayor. Unfortunately for the propagandists,video footage and confessions of Kamini's bodyguards proved this to be just another LIE. -Samaras: "Hate speech" (dissent) is more important than HATE ACTS of Greeks being killed, robbed and raped by invaders!- Discussion on "Hate Speech" law directed at Golden Dawn that has universal support from the triplets: the Troika, World Jewry, and the "radical left". Asking questions about the Holocaust narrative will become a crime, but those groups and politicians that deny the Pontian genocide will not be affected. This law is the brainchild of Ronald S. Lauder, president of the World Jewish Committee, why is a man Greeks did not elect holding so much sway in the government? -Nils Mouznieks and the European Union's definition of human- The European Council On Human Rights has a lot to say about the "racist" party that is the only one that consistently opposes austerity. According to Mouznieks, the Greek government must forget the needs of its own indigenous people and put illegal invaders first. It's worth it to mention that Mouznieks isn't very interested in the human rights of Greeks, his institution's imposition of austerity has left Greece's most vulnerable hungry and helpless and he wants to keep it that way. -Syriza's solidarity- The Soros supported reactionaries promised to copy Golden Dawn's social solidarity drives. 9 months later, Syriza has not given even a single Euro back to the people. They did however find it in their hearts to help sponsor a drug abuse festival in the cultural center of Athens! Music: Bathory-Prelude Filopatria- Molon Lave Maria Athanasopoulou- Golden Dawn (video and subtitles)