Expat Files - 03.23.18

The Expat Files: Living in Latin America show

Summary: <p class="m_-414352218922306320ydp94d2ef31MsoNormal"><strong><u>Descriptions- EXPAT FILES SHOW #744- FRI, MAR 23- (03-23-2018):</u></strong></p><br> <p class="m_-414352218922306320ydp94d2ef31MsoNormal"><strong><u>#1- Homesteading in Latin America:</u></strong></p><br> <p class="m_-414352218922306320ydp94d2ef31MsoNormal"><strong>Tips for expats and gringos who want to live in the Latin American boonies “off the grid” or nearly “off the grid”.</strong></p><br> <p class="m_-414352218922306320ydp94d2ef31MsoNormal"><strong> <u>#2- Johnny’s picks for Living Large on a measly social security check way up in the 5000 to 6000 foot elevation “sweet spot” known as the altiplano:</u></strong></p><br> <p class="m_-414352218922306320ydp94d2ef31MsoNormal"><strong>The fact is that some “altiplano” regions are much more comfortable than others. That’s why the altiplano concept deserves a lot deeper explanation and discussion than you might think. Today you’ll know why.    <u> <br></u></strong></p><br> <p class="m_-414352218922306320ydp94d2ef31MsoNormal"><strong><u>#3- What’s life like living and/or homesteading out in the Latin boonies?</u></strong></p><br> <p class="m_-414352218922306320ydp94d2ef31MsoNormal"><strong>Today we present a nice snap shot of the gringo/expat country life…  <br></strong></p><br> <p class="m_-414352218922306320ydp94d2ef31MsoNormal"><strong><u>#4- What are the best, least expensive and most effective way for gringos and expats to fence in and secure their properties?</u></strong></p><br> <p class="m_-414352218922306320ydp94d2ef31MsoNormal"><strong>Lone standing Latin American properties will very likely need to be fenced in. Today we offer some practical tips specific to protecting your own chosen property homestead n Latin America.  <br></strong></p><br> <p class="m_-414352218922306320ydp94d2ef31MsoNormal"><strong><u>#5- Johnny has a close encounter with very poisonous snake. </u></strong><strong>You’ll want to sit down when you hear today’s “boots on the ground” story!   <br></strong></p><br> <p class="m_-414352218922306320ydp94d2ef31MsoNormal"><strong><u>#6-Announcing Johnny’s next “Latin American Insider” seminar. </u></strong><strong>It will take place from Saturday, July 7<sup>th</sup> thru Thursday, July 12<sup>th</sup> 2018. To get on the early-bird discount list and receive the latest updates just send an email to <u><a href="mailto:www.theexpatfiles@gmail.com" target="_blank">www.theexpatfiles@gmail.com</a></u> and put the word “seminar” in the subject line.   </strong></p><br> <p class="m_-414352218922306320ydp94d2ef31MsoNormal"><strong><u>#7- Johnny’s new “Expat Essentials Course”</u></strong><strong> is a blueprint for your “Plan B” and the best way kick-start your exit plan before getting boots on the ground in Latin America. Check out the free intro video to the course now at <u><a href="http://www.theexpatfiles.com/academy" target="_blank">www.TheExpatFiles.com/academy</a></u> </strong></p><br> <p class="m_-414352218922306320ydp94d2ef31MsoNormal"><strong><u>#8- Check out my “The Expat Files” You Tube channel.</u></strong><strong> See all the fun slides and photos that go along with each show. There are now more than 150 shows posted on my YouTube channel so have a look.</strong></p><br> <p class="m_-414352218922306320ydp94d2ef31MsoNormal"><strong><u>#9- For more of Johnny’s reports, comments, adventures, news, surprises the famous “Expat Concierge Service” and more, check it all out at:</u></strong><strong> </strong><span lang="es-gt"><a href="http://www.the/" target="_blank"><strong><span lang="en-us">www.The</span></strong></a></span><strong><u>NewExpat.com</u></strong><strong>   </strong></p>