Ep. 10 | Give Your Phone Away and Get Your Life Back

2020 FIT Podcast show

Summary: It is politically correct to take a sick day. In this week's episode we talk about creating an environment where it's socially acceptable to improve your recovery on a daily basis. Getting sleep, quite time for the brain and down regulating more often so you can improve your recovery are all ways you try to improve your fitness in the gym to take your health to the next level. Working out by definition is finishing a training session with less energy in the system than you started with. i.e. you are intentionally making yourself weaker so the true way to get stronger, fitter, leaner is to NOT workout but to recover better. You can do this by cleaning up your nutrition, sleeping better or more or just taking a rest day. This podcast is only for people who want to learn how to get better, both faster, and more efficiently. Please take your sleep seriously and if you're available May 3 & 4th and want to take your wellness to the next level, join us for the 2020 Experience health retreat. Notes: - Super compensation model https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Supercompensation - 5:00 most important tool for recovery - 13:00 stillness drill you can do at the office - 18:00 What about sugar and alcohol? - 26:00 take time for yourself at the 2020 Experience