Bonus Episode 3: Darcey's Story

True Crime Story Time show

Summary: All murders are heinous. They are painful and confusing and terrifying. But there is nothing more painful than losing a child. There is nothing more confusing than when someone takes a child’s life away. And there is nothing more terrifying than when it’s their parent that does it. When one parent kills their child to hurt the other, taking advantage of their son or daughters innocence and trust. Taking them away from all of us, from everything. Darcey was only days away from turning 5, becoming a ‘big girl’. She was about to start school, on this day in 2009. This is Darcey’s Story.   Editing and production by Chelsea Rizza at KINSHIP PRODUCTIONS     Original music by Gabe Rizza at IICONIC CREATIVE   Artwork by Joel Micah Harris  Research Credit: The Herald Sun,  Ad music from