5 Tips on Making Successful Commitments That Produce Results

The Accountability Coach: Business Acceleration|Productivity show

Summary: Today we are going to talk about 5 Tips on Making Successful Commitments That Produce Results. Most of us cringe when we hear the word “commitment” because we associate it with feelings of sacrifice. Our commitments fail because we get caught up in the struggle of trying to change where life seems to be taking us and where we want to go. Our every day habits consume our thoughts - leaving no room for thoughts of why we started the process in the first place. The diet becomes a struggle between exercise and chocolate cake; the budget becomes a struggle between spending and saving, so on and so on. The struggle ends up consuming us and we give up trying to change because it’s just too hard. What we thought would be efforts to lead us to a new life, end up being just a temporary change. We’ve tried before and failed again, and the conclusion comes down to a discouraged excuse - I just couldn’t do it, I didn’t have time, or it was too hard. The truth is making a successful commitment is nothing more than a making a choice to create a desired future outcome. You may say that people who stick to their commitments are an exception, and you are definitely not one of those people. Well, I’m here to tell you that commitments are not personality specific. Each of us has the capability to set successful commitments. So now you’re saying, if that’s the case, why do so many of us fail? Because most people don’t know how to make the decisions that create successful commitment. If you’ve tried and failed in past commitments, it doesn’t matter. The past is the past, and you are a different person today. Starting right now, you are now armed with the strength and the tools you need to successfully commit to creating your desired future outcome. To help keep you focused, subscribe to The Accountability Coach Blog at www.AccountabilityCoachBlog.com. You will find personal and professional development tele-seminars at www.AccountabilityCoach.com. Choose the ones that will be of the most value to you in achieving your goals so you can be even more successful – professionally and personally. Invest in the 30-day Self-study Course so you can begin achieving your goals in the time frame you want so you can have the life you want. Get started by going to: http://www.accountabilitycoach.com/bw/30dayStudyCourse.php