8 Ideas for Getting Things Done…The Right Way

The Accountability Coach: Business Acceleration|Productivity show

Summary: Today we are going to talk about 8 Ideas for Getting Things Done…The Right Way. We all want more success and the fear of failure can often be the driving force of our actions. We work long hours, sacrifice personal time, and even sleep. We put our heart and soul into what we're trying to achieve, only to find that we're spinning our wheels. We think we're getting things done, because at the end of the day all of our Action List items are crossed out; but did we really get closer to achieving our goals? The fact is, most of us accomplish a whole list of things by the end of the day, but have little to show for it. Your success depends on what you are doing and the way you are getting things done. If you're not moving closer to your goal achievement, you are not getting things done the right way. The good news is - getting things done the right way requires only a simple shift in your actions. There are only two ways of getting things done; one way leads to your success, while the other keeps you in the same position you're in right now. Getting things done the right way, can take you from spinning your wheels to; creating more time, expending less effort, reducing frustration and moving you closer to your goals with every single action. This is possible because success relies on one principle: success takes successful actions. We are going to talk about 8 ideas for getting things done the right way. To help keep you focused on the activities that produce the results you want, subscribe to The Accountability Coach Blog at www.AccountabilityCoachBlog.com. Take advantage of all the free tools and resources available to you at www.AccountabilityCoach.com. Invest in the 30-day Self-study Course so you can begin achieving your goals in the time frame you want so you can have the life you want. Get started by going to: http://www.accountabilitycoach.com/bw/30dayStudyCourse.php