Expat Files - 02.10.17

The Expat Files: Living in Latin America show

Summary:  #1- Can you still get 2nd Passport elsewhere if your home country (like the US or Canada) blocks your original one because of a glitch like govt debt, a felony, IRS involvement, etc., etc? Yes you can still get another country passport and nationality but it’s not easy. There are legal ways to get a 2nd passport but they are quite expensive. …<br> <br> #2- Solar Power: solar H2O heating and getting off the grid in Latin America.<br> <br> #3- What are the gringo business opportunities in Latin America for solar power and solar H2O heating<br> <br> #4. The truth about plumbing and water systems in Latin homes: what you definitely need to know if you plan on buying, building or renting anywhere in Latin America.<br> <br> #5- Make a note: Saturday July 8th thru Thursday July 13th 2017 will be the dates for my next “EXPAT INSIDER SEMINAR”. Get on the early-bird mailing list by sending an email to: <a href="https://theexpatfiles.podbean.com/mailto:theexpatfiles@gmail.com">theexpatfiles@gmail.com</a><br> <br> #6- Johnny’s new “Expat Essentials Course” is a blueprint for your “Plan B”. The best way kick-start your own plan before coming to Latin America. See the three video intros to the “Expat Essentials” course at <a href="http://www.expatplanb.com/">www.ExpatPlanB.com</a><br> <br> #7-Try the “Podcast by Phone” feature. Listen to the last FIVE Expat Files programs over the phone by dialing: <a href="https://theexpatfiles.podbean.com/">1-701-719-0893</a>