Sales Chalk Talk #224 - Gene McNaughton

Sales Chalk Talk show

Summary: In selling, followup is absolutely critical to success. We all know it, but very few salespeople actually do it. Where it used to take 4 or 5 “touches” for a prospective client to buy, it now takes 10 to 12. On this episode of Sales Chalk Talk, sales and business expert Gene McNaughton shares some ideas about the vital importance of followup and practical suggestions about how to implement a successful followup program. What you’ll hear on this call: • Why salespeople don’t followup the way they need to in order to be successful • The process you can follow to followup successfully with your prospective buyers • A new, cutting-edge tool you can use to make following up easy and effective • You’ll have the opportunity to connect one-to-one with Gene, who is one of the smartest, most successful sales coaches and businessmen in the world Gene’s website is, and his email address is