Expat Files - 01.08.17

The Expat Files: Living in Latin America show

Summary:  #1- When Gringo/Expats get in traffic accidents. What to do? Yes, it will eventually happen to you but what happens then? BTW: if you get into a street fight with a chicken bus.. you will always lose.<br> <br> #2- A specific case of the Gringo “DISADVANTAGE”<br> Today a “boots on the ground” story depicting of one of those infrequent situations when being a Gringo or Expat works against you.<br> <br> #3- Spanish four letter words and their common usage among Latin men and women<br> <br> #4-How Latins feel about their use of the word “Gringo”.  Depwnding on their use in public and private there can be both positive and negative inferences.<br> <br> #5 –The dope on the prevailence of ” Fake” and “Unlicenced” Doctors in Latin America. Yes, they’re down here and flurishing but there are easy ways to tell the genuine article from the quacks<br> <br> #6- The Big Butt scoop on implants and silicone injections in Latin America<br> <br> #7- The “Podcast by Phone” feature. You can listen to the last FIVE Expat Files programs by phoning: <a href="https://theexpatfiles.podbean.com/">1-701-719-0893</a><br> <br> #8- Johnny’s new “Expat Essentials Course” is a blueprint for your Plan B  and the next best way to get started without actually coming to Latin America. At <a href="http://www.expatplanb.com/">www.ExpatPlanB.com</a> see the three video intros to my new “Expat Essentials” course.