Expat Files - 01.20.17

The Expat Files: Living in Latin America show

Summary: #1- A little peak behind the scenes at Johnny’s latest January 2017 “Expat Insider” Seminar: the good, bad, ugly and the great.<br> It was all of that… even some ugly too.<br> <br>  #2- Residency and Passport rules and procedures are changing by the minute:<br> Yes, Latin governments are making it harder and harder to obtain residency- as witnessed last week when Panama’s legislature surprised everyone by reducing the length of temporary residency from one year to six months. That will certainly set a lot of gringos scrambling. All the more reason to get your “Plan B” in gear and get your Latin residency rolling.<br> <br> #3- Ecuador punishes gringos with new 75% capital gains tax on property: As more and more Gringos arrive, the socialist Correa govt. is bent on targeting them with more and more taxes and fees: Yup, when on the tourist trail it’s seems its the Gringo “disadvantage” that rides again.<br> <br> #4- Tips on finding a good physician and/or dentist in Latin America:<br> <br> #5-Use the new “Podcast by Phone” feature. Listen to the last FIVE Expat Files programs over the phone by dilaing: <a href="https://theexpatfiles.podbean.com/">1-701-719-0893</a><br> <br> #6- Johnny’s new “Expat Essentials Course” is a blueprint for your own Plan B and the next best way to get started without actually coming to Latin America. At <a href="http://www.expatplanb.com/">www.ExpatPlanB.com</a> see the three video intros to my new “Expat Essentials” course.