Expat Files - 11.11.16

The Expat Files: Living in Latin America show

Summary: <br> #1- What taxes do expat gringos generally have to pay to their new Latin country’s government thieves and scumbags?<br> <br> #2 Latin countries “on the gringo tourist trail” try to adopt and often directly copy US tax systems and regs: another very good reason to avoid high tax Latin countries like Argentina, Chile, Brazil, Costa Rica Panama and just recently(and perhaps worst of all) Colombia.<br> <br> #3- Today we have a stark Colombian “boots on the ground” story from a gringo resident of 8 years. Though happily married to a Colombian girl, he tells a story that will make you think twice about setting up your “Plan B” in that country.<br> <br> #4- Words and phrases like “Sale”, “VIP”, “Black Friday” and other gringo-isms are in common use in Latin America. Latin gringo wananbees use them over and over, not having a clue as to what the words and phrases really mean.<br> <br> #5- Thoughts on having car insurance in Latin America<br> <br> #6- Johnny’s next (and perhaps final) “Expat Insider” Plan ‘B’ Seminar will take place on Saturday, January 7th thru Thursday, January 12th , 2017. Just send an email to <a href="https://theexpatfiles.podbean.com/mailto:theexpatfiles@gmail.com">theexpatfiles@gmail.com</a> or click on this link: <a href="http://thenewexpat.com/johnnys-anuary-2017-latin-american-insider-seminar/">http://thenewexpat.com/johnnys-anuary-2017-latin-american-insider-seminar/</a><br> Attendance is very limited so act now.<br> <br> #7. Announcing the new “Podcast by Phone” feature. You now have a way to listen to the last FIVE Expat Files programs over the phone. The  number for this service is: <a href="https://theexpatfiles.podbean.com/">1-701-719-0893</a><br> <br> #8- Johnny’s new “Expat Essentials Course” designed for people wanting their own Plan “B” but can’t get “boots on the ground” just yet. It’s the next best way to get started on your Plan “B” and coming down yourself. Go to <a href="http://www.expatplanb.com/">www.ExpatPlanB.com</a> for the three video intros to my new “Expat Essentials” course.