Expat Files - 10.07.16

The Expat Files: Living in Latin America show

Summary: <br>  #1- Today a minor milestone: This is Expat Files Show #600. We now have almost 6 years of twice-weekly shows, every last one of them originating from somewhere “south of the border”.<br> #2- Internet connections and reliability in Latin America: whether you’re a personal internet user or totally dependent on the net and IT connections for your future Latin business needs, you’ll want to hear this<br>  #3- Yes, there are times when Latin Customer service is not all pure crap: like when 1st world companies partner up with Latin companies(govt utilities example). When that happens customer service does improve dramatically but almost never to the complete satisfaction of gringos and expats. We still see errors and find fault.<br> #4- In restaurants, homes and elsewhere Latins will always ask if you would like some “agua pura” (meaning pure H2O), as if maybe you wanted to live dangerously and drink some toilet or sewer water instead. Gringos think it's funny the have to add the "pura" part and don’t get the how and why… but there is some logic to it and it goes as follows...<br> #5- Deconstructing the typical Latin restaurant menu: today we explain basic food ordering“101” (in Spanish) for gringos and expats<br> #6- Introducing Johnny’s new nine hour, thirty-five video “Expat Essentials Course” designed for people contemplating their own Plan “B” but can’t quite afford to get “boots on the ground” or can’t attend an  “Expat Insider” Seminar in Latin America. Yes it’s just what the doctor ordered, a great way to get your ducks lined up for your own Plan “B” and the next best thing to coming down yourself. Go to <a href="http://www.expatplanb.com/">www.ExpatPlanB.com</a> for the 3 video intros to my new “Expat Essentials” course.<br>  #7-Consult with Johnny- Schedule a cell or Skype call: Set up a time to talk and I’ll help you sort out your own specific Latin American “Plan B”. Just send an email to: <a href="https://theexpatfiles.podbean.com/mailto:theexpatfiles@gmail.com">theexpatfiles@gmail.com</a><br>  #8- Johnny’s next (and perhaps final) “Expat Insider” Plan ‘B’ Seminar will take place on Saturday, January 7th thru Thursday, January 12th , 2017. To get in on the Early-bird list email: <a href="https://theexpatfiles.podbean.com/mailto:theexpatfiles@gmail.com">theexpatfiles@gmail.com</a><br> or click on this link: <a href="http://thenewexpat.com/johnnys-anuary-2017-latin-american-insider-seminar/">http://thenewexpat.com/johnnys-anuary-2017-latin-american-insider-seminar/</a><br> Attendance will be very limited so do act now.<br>