Death Fetish

Planet of the Grapes show

Summary: (Someone claiming to be) Tiffany Amber Thiessen calls with a peculiar problem: she cannot see herself. A club DJ calls to offer his aid, revealing in the process his more interesting assistant, a man known as Earthquake who has been reincarnated many times since Mohammed founded Islam. Gandhi calls. Apparently he has a history with Earthquake.\n Bill Cosby wants a eulogy while he is still alive, and he's courting master eulogist Birdbest to do it. He's not winning favor with Birdbest though, since Cosby has re-wired Birdbests's TiVo to always play the Cosby Show and has an army of Demi Moore clones re-wiring Birdbest's house. Bill Clinton is called because Cosby is jealous of POTG Radio's "other Bill."\n With the phone lines clear of all except Bill Clinton, Birdbest's deadbeat father and resident of Egypt, Birdman, calls to pick the ex-president's brain about womanizing. He can't seem to get Cleopatra's Ghost in bed. In the conversation, Birdman reveals that he now shares his apartment (inside the great Sphinx), with a certain refrigerator who has been holding the Anti-Horse's heart hostage. The Anti-Horse calls to finally settle the score.