Breaking the Fourth Host

Planet of the Grapes show

Summary: Jack O'Humphrey, owner of the Smilers deli chain, offers us store space in return for being a fourth host. Being gracious enough, he is given a test run and co-runs the episode. But things heat up quickly as his casual girlfriend Flinta demands on-air attention and he commits an interview faux pas concerning Donkey Kong's childhood.\n Donkey Kong, known professionally as Don Kong, has teamed up with the Quaker Oats Man in starting a day spa.\n But they can't agree on the details, such as the titan that gives massages and oatmeal replacing toilet water. LSD invades their office, turning Don Kong into Pontius Pilate.\n "Birdman is waxing, and Ronald is waning," as the newly-colored Birdman so eloquently put it. He boasts his new era as a solo act and how his new friend Female Thor helped him dye his feathers. But wherever Birdman is, his old cohorts are never far behind. Deez Nuts, introduced by Oxford, confesses his dream of making love to Female Thor. He tries to woo her with his new comedy act.\n Also, The End calls to end the show. Yeah...