Expat Files - 06.28.15

The Expat Files: Living in Latin America show

Summary: -Often a husband and wife, or a couple, will come down to Latin America, one of them being the obvious driving force behind their expat move while the other partner seems not nearly as geared up. Sometimes the less enthused one displays resistance and is critical and negative about the move. When that happens, what is there to be done?  -There are still many first world people out there in “gringolandia” and Europe who would never think of coming to Latin America because they simply believe it’s too classist, dangerous, backwards and unsanitary. Today we have an email from such a person. He’s never been to Latin America and says he would not chance the trip even if he had the dough.     -When the next shoe drops and the feces hits the ventilator, might there be a backlash against gringos and expats in Latin America? Might the downtrodden locals get pissed off and come after the “rich gringo” in the neighborhood? After all, when the next worldwide economic blowout hits it will affect every country and all will be the worse for it. Surely solid blame will be placed on the American government- its lies, the reckless fiat monetary system and toxic derivatives - as it should be.    -Donald Trump is all over the Latin news this week. His words about Mexico’s low life’s and crooks sneaking in to the US and causing endless grief and damage have enraged the Latin American public- who mostly believe it’s their right to sneak into the states if they feel like it. Meanwhile Latin news op-ed pieces and the tweets appearing on TV and in the media show just how undereducated, ill-informed and petty most of these outraged responder’s comments appear to be. They want to get in and Trump’s not going to stand in their way!    JULY 2015 -LATIN AMERICAN SEMINAR NOTICE: Make your plans today for the next Latin American Expat Wisdom seminar. Just go to the www.ExpatWisdom.com main page and click on the Latin Seminar link for full details. The seminar will take place from Saturday, July 11th through Thursday July 16th, 2015.    -CONSULT WITH JOHNNY- SCHEDULE A CELL OR SKYPE CALL: Follow the consult link on the main page at www.ExpatWisdom.com and Johnny will help you sort out your Latin American plans.