#168: Grain Free Baking, Brittany Angell, author of Every Last Crumb

Balanced Bites: Modern paleo living with Diane Sanfilippo & Liz Wolfe. show

Summary: Topics: 1. What’s new for you from Diane  2. Introducing our Guest, Brittany Angell  3. A little bit about Brittany’s personal health journey  4. Brittany’s detoxing journey  5. Explaining the MTHFR gene mutation  6. Brittany on allergy cooking 7. Brittany’s recipe testing process 8. Paleo baking staples  9. Substituting duck eggs in baking  10. Alternatives to sugar in recipes  11. Balance with paleo baking  12. Staying on track with paleo eating  13. PMS brownies 14. Final thoughts from Brittany