Coping With Divorce in a Positive Way With John McElhenney

Over Divorce – Divorce, breakups and separation recovery podcast show

Summary: Coping With Divorce in a Positive Way John McElhenney joined us to talk about how he was able to develop a positive perspective while he was going through his divorce. John is a single dad who lives and writes in Austin, Texas. John is also the Divorce editor of The Good Men Project and is a contributing writer for the Huffington Post. During the show we talk about: John’s epiphany that radically changed his thoughts about being a father in a positive way. How he got clarity about making decisions during his divorce. His realization about becoming a “Whole Parent” and the most important thing that he did to become one. How John processed his emotions while going through his divorce so that negative thoughts wouldn’t impact his kids. Learn John’s mental “Judo move” that changed his mind set about his divorce. How your kids view what you are doing during your divorce and how that will impact their lives. How he talked to his kids about some of the good things that came out of his divorce for him and his ex-wife. John talks about how his parents’ divorce impacted him on how he was going to handle his own divorce. How writing and journaling helps you get perspective on your thoughts and relieves some of the depression that comes with divorce. How he was able to grieve during his divorce. 3 things that John did so that he could cope with his divorce. These are techniques that John used to keep him distracted and let him have fun. John recommends Brene Brown’s book Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead Another good book to check out is Iron John: A Book About Menby Robert Bly Learn about the benefits of journaling here We also recommend watching Boyhood. John has published several books of poetry, his most recent book Impossible Love Poems: Love, Loss, Rebuilding, Recovery, Divorce, Dating, & Hoping for Love Again. He also wrote The Twitter Way - Book One / LIFE: Twitter As A Way of Enlightenment a whimsical look at social media. He makes his living writing social media strategies ( for small businesses. Make sure to follow him on twitter @wholeparent You can also check out his Facebook page