Today’s Good Energy Tip: Count!

Honey Help YourSelf show

Summary: Every now and again, it's good to go back to basics, to do an inventory of all we've got. Particularly when we're feeling depleted or just plain 'over it.' Last weekend, I was talking with a dear friend who phrased it perfectly. He said, "Unlike lots of places in the world right now, I can walk down the street and feel like a king because I know that when I go home, I can flick a switch and lights will come on; I can turn a faucet and I'll get fresh running water; I can go to the grocery store at any time of day or night knowing it'll be filled with food enough to feed me for a lifetime. It's all in how you look at it." Yesterday, I took a great leap of faith on a huge project I've got cooking and it was all I could do to keep on breathing after putting my money down. Well, guess what? I made it through the night, honey! And I feel great. You know what helped me get there? Remembering what my friend said, that's what. I began to count my blessings, and it helped me see that abundance and prosperity take on many faces. That being said, what are some of the gifts and blessings you're grateful for right now? I'll begin by answering my own question: 1. I can see. Vision is precious. Even if I don't always like what I'm looking at, I've got healthy eyes to take it in. I can also change my vantage point whenever I like. At a garden art exhibit a few weeks ago, I was dazzled by the color combinations and creativity on a grand scale. Even after I left the venue, the bold images felt fresh in my mind's eye for days afterward. I've never known what it's like not to see, and I'm grateful. 2. I can hear. Even when I don't appear to be listening, or if I've engaged my powers of selective hearing (aka tuning out the riffraff), I can in fact hear, and I'm grateful for the ability. And I get why the hills are alive with the sound of music—just like Maria sang it—because, whenever I go hiking in the mountains, there's a special quality to the sounds there that can't be duplicated anywhere else. And how about listening to a song, a poem, or loving words that reach right past your ears and hit you straight in the heart? 3. I can read. When I was an adult literacy tutor, I was humbled at the shrewdness of my students as they navigated through the world without this precious skill. Imagine life without being able to read text messages, bills, or menus. Look around you right now and imagine for one moment how dramatically different your life would be without this ability. Frankly, I'm grateful you can read, because you'd have no business here on the internet if you couldn't! 4. I can think. Fortunately for all of us, mental illness is becoming less stigmatized, which means more people are being diagnosed and treated properly. It's easy to take for granted the fact that I have peace of mind, I can form my own thoughts and opinions, I can provide for myself, maintain my relationships, think clearly, and reach for brighter stars anytime I want to. I can also reach for the assistance of trained professionals if I need to, too. The gifts of a healthy mind aren't to be take for granted. They're also not easy to come by for those who struggle with debilitating depression, anxiety, and mental illness. 5. I am free. Granted, there are deeply troubling issues in the world that challenge this fact, but even while that's true, I needn't fear that showing a bit of ankle, showing up to vote, going in through front doors, dating outside my race, or hanging out in multi-cultural circles will get me stoned, jailed, or worse. I can come and go as I please, and if ever I feel those freedoms eroding, I can lift my voice to fight for my rights. And that's a great freedom in itself. How about you? What are some 'basics' you're grateful for right now? How many blessings can you count? - - - - - - - You might also like: False Awakenings How Much Space Do You Need? The Daily Meds Day 6 of 7 :: Vision