Should #NFL Preseason Only be for Rookies?

the Talk 2 Q Radio Show! show

Summary: Okay, Preseason is about to wrap up, but the injuries are starting to mount up.  Every morning I'm reading about Player X being lost for an extended period of time due to an injury.  Is it time to make some changes in regards to Preseason?  Not reduce the number of games because I think the physical contact is needed to "get right" for the NFL. I think it's time that they expand the roster to allow for more rookie free agents to join camp.  That will boost the teams with enough members to actually have only rookies (and veterans on the verge of not making it) play and get evaluated by the coaches in games. That would keep the vets away from harm until they played in the last Preseason game.  Would that help or hurt things?  It's hard to say, but we'll discuss it on the show. Also, regardless of if they make changes to the formats for Preseason or not, the cost of admission to Preseason has to be reduced! Its ridiculous how some stadiums (AT&T Stadium) charges full price to see an exhibition game.  What would be a fair reduction in your mind?  50% off?  25% off? These things and Johnny Manziel giving the finger, and Mo'Ne Davis from Little League on the Talk 2 Q Radio Show!  We'll break things down Zone Coverage style! "No experts. Just opinions." Show No. 385