How Facebook Can Ruin A Relationship

the Talk 2 Q Radio Show! show

Summary: By now, just about all of us have a Facebook page.  I've been on Facebook since 2008 when I prepared for a class reunion.  It was the best way to keep up with all of the information for the events.  However, over time, I found Facebook to be very entertaining to me.  I took part of political discussions, sports debates and more! But, relationships can take a turn for the worst when social media is involved.  Even trying to start a relationship can be a pain as well as a blessing.  You can learn a lot about a person by what they put or don't put on their Facebook Wall.  So, tonight, we'll discuss the following: What do you do when a significant other hacks your account? Should you Friend your significant other? Can what a person posts on Facebook turn you off from them? (TMI, bad grammar, cursing, etc.) These things and more on the Talk 2 Q Radio Show! "No experts.  Just opinions." Show No. 391 Show scheduled for 60 mins.