Expat Files - 04/06/14

The Expat Files: Living in Latin America show

Summary: -Today we sort out some very frequently used Spanish words that sound very much like their English counterparts but often cause some confusion among fresh gringos and new expats due to the double and triple meanings   -I have to laugh when new expats and fresh gringos come down and ask me for a few pointers about driving a car in Latin America. It never fails, when I tell them how crappy Latin drivers are, and that less than 5% know the rules of the road or have even taken driver’s ed… not to mention the truly wretched mechanical state of most of their cars and trucks, etc., etc. Yet some gringos still insist on giving me the line about how they themselves are such good and prudent drivers, how they never had a single accident back In Cleveland, blah, blah, blah. After hearing all that, its still a fact that no matter how careful you are, soon enough you'll get rear-ended. It’s a 100% certainty… that is, unless one rides the Chicken Bus. They still get rear-ended, but at least the gringo won’t be driving! -Did you know that many Latin American beat cops and cops in cruisers were once illegal aliens up in the states not long ago? It’s a crazy irony that being a deported illegal alien (and thus branded a criminal in the states) is actually a PLUS when applying for a spot in a Latin American police academy. And here’s why…    -For all of you folks who’ve had the idea to come down and make some fast, easy money teaching English at a private school or academy, it’s very easily done when you’re off the tourist trail. But you’ll be lucky to make $500 a month to start. And if you make $5 an hour working half-time at an upscale language academy, consider yourself fortunate! Now that’s all ok and livable, but not quite first-world livable. However, there are some ways you can make really good money teaching English. Here’s how…               -My upcoming JULY, 2014 “Expat Wisdom” seminar is set to go so. The dates will be Saturday, July 12 thru Thursday, July 17, so do send an email to theexpatfiles@gmail.com and get on the early bird list. Note that the agenda and complete signup details are on the www.ExpatWisdom.com website main page. Just click the Latin American Seminar link on the top of the main page and check it out. -Do follow the link on the main page at www.ExpatWisdom.com to schedule a private consultation with me. If you want to discuss the details of living, working, playing, doing business and/or retiring in Latin America, now you and I can talk about your situation one on one.