Expat Files - White Lies - 05/16/14

The Expat Files: Living in Latin America show

Summary: -Today I’m hanging out in Caracas, Venezuela. Last time here (when Chavez was alive) I was fired upon and my rental car tires were shot out, but that was a few years back. So now, with all the new economic and social turmoil we’ve been hearing about lately, it was time to see for myself just how much the media and stateside blowhards have spun the situation(or not). Who can you believe? Me of course (err.. maybe)? Does all the reported street chaos make for great opportunities for expats in Venezuela - or should we stay away until the place hits bottom? Is now a good time to go in and use your “gringo advantage”? The question is: how much of what we hear about Venezuela from the 1st world media is really true… or is it just the US govt and the alphabet agencies manipulating us with video and sound bites yet again? Well now you have the skinny direct from me in the trenches… -My how the common folks in Venezuela tell white lies. And how.. they try to rip you off and attempt to slyly gouge you.  Let me count the ways! They tried all of that stuff on me a number of times and sort of got away with it to a small extent. Don't get me wrong, it’s not that the folks there are innately criminals or born rip-off artists. Is just that it’s impossible to live, pay rent (and eat too) even if one makes four times the so-called mandatory minimum wage. That said, 90%  of Venezuelans are angling for extra dough to just survive(and you would too).               -My upcoming JULY, 2014 “Expat Wisdom” seminar is set to go so. The dates will be Saturday, July 12 thru Thursday, July 17. The agenda and complete signup details are on thewww.ExpatWisdom.com website main page. Just click the Latin American Seminar link on the top of the main page and check it out. -Do follow the link on the main page at www.ExpatWisdom.com to schedule a private consultation with me. If you want to discuss the details of living, working, playing, doing business and/or retiring in Latin America, now you and I can talk about your situation one on one.