Expat Files - 06/15/14

The Expat Files: Living in Latin America show

Summary: -Do to popular demand we're back on that popular subject of buying land and property in Latin America: Long time “Expat Files” listeners know by now that there is a big real estate bubble throughout Latin America that's soon to pop. But if you folks are so well informed, then why do I still get so many emails asking about how to get cheap real estate deals in certain popular Latin American hot spots (fashionable with gringos that is). Seems expat wannabees and gonnabees are itching to get in on a piece of some Latin American ground floor action- wherever it's fashionable-  despite of the bubble warning. For example, the latest place that’s been getting a lot of press is Nicaragua. Now get this straight- in a bubble there are no ground floor real estate opportunities. So why do people keep thinking there are? Well for two reasons; (#1) certain popular expat sites and newsletters are way behind the curve, They have no substantial  “boots on the ground” experience or ears to the ground at the street level can’t get a grip on what’s unfolding...not to mention  they need constant upbeat news items and stories…#2- these expat news and info sites must continuously pump gringo development projects and such because that’s where the commissions are and some do have a piece of the action either directly or indirectly. Bottom line – Don’t believe real estate brokers, even gringo brokers… especially gringo brokers!!! Selling is how they make their dough.  -More on buying or renting land and property out in the boonies.. far from the maddening crowds   -My upcoming JULY, 2014 “Expat Wisdom” seminar is set to go so. The dates will be Saturday, July 12 thru Thursday, July 17. The agenda and complete signup details are on the www.ExpatWisdom.com website main page. Just click the Latin American Seminar link on the top of the main page and check it out.  -Do follow the link on the main page at www.ExpatWisdom.com to schedule a private phone, Skype or Mumble consult with me. If you want to discuss the details of living, working, playing, doing business and/or retiring in Latin America, now you and I can talk about your situation one on one.