Common Mistakes with Randy Cooper– Over Divorce

Over Divorce – Divorce, breakups and separation recovery podcast show

Summary: Certified Divorce Coach founder Randy Cooper joins us in this episode of the Over Divorce podcast. Randy is author of a book and leading the charge for advocacy of divorce coaching.Randy talks about the subject of his book -the six biggest mistakes people make when getting a divorce. Randy shares  insight into the benefits of having someone on your side who fills a different role than those of a therapist or attorney- helping you think creatively about ways to stay on task,and focused.  We discuss stories and share tips on a more healthy divorce and the way to get it. Insight into taxes IRAs and smarter ways of splitting up assets are reviewed. We discuss some of the pitfalls of leaning  too hard on your attorney and extending divorce proceedings longer than they need to go. Randy discusses the risks of "Throwing in the Towel" and not advocating in your own best interest -as your "best-self". View the podcast transcript here