May 11, 2014 — Loyd Auerbach

The Paracast -- The Gold Standard of Paranormal Radio show

Summary: Gene and Chris present Loyd Auerbach, considered by many to be our top expert on the "paranormal." According to his bio, Loyd is Director of the Office of Paranormal Investigations, and is the 2013/2014 President of the Forever Family Foundation, an organization supporting research on Life After Death and the work of spirit mediums in the grieving process. He has served on their Scientific Advisory Board for a number of years. He was appointed to the faculty of Atlantic University of Virginia Beach, VA, in late 2010, where he teaches an online Parapsychology course. You'll learn about his ongoing research and even some case histories. There will also be some myth busting, so you'll know what those reality TV shows present that's just not so.