The Extra Mile Podcast- JEFF GALLOWAY 13.1 EDITION

The Extra Mile Podcast GALLOWAY EDITION show

Summary: “It is time!”-Rafiki, The Lion King Didn’t Jeff and I TELL you we had some big plans for this year? Have we EVER let you down?  ;-) It’s time to let the cat out of the bag and discuss the FIRST ANNUAL JEFF GALLOWAY 13.1 event to be held on December 14, 2014 in beautiful Atlanta Georgia. In this episode, we will catch up with Jeff again and get as many details about this event as we can and talk about how to stay up on all the NEW stuff on its way soon! We also track down Chris Twiggs, National Program Director of The Galloway Training Groups and all around awesome fellow “Extra Miler” and get the low down on what HE has planned for this event. Don’t miss any of the stuff mentioned in this episode: Jeff GallowayThe Jeff Galloway 13.1 Run with Jeff in ROME!!Jeff Galloway sQoosh Bands!sQoosh BandsInk-N-Burn running clothesDon’t forget, this new deal will be for YOU so feel free to send me your thoughts. What would YOU like to see or do? What are your “WHAT IF” thoughts? Thanks again for downloading the show and giving us an hour or so of your time. We invite your comments, questions, and training updates either in a 1-2 minute audio submission to or by calling the comment line at: 206-339-8741. We would love to add your voice to the next episode! Please subscribe in iTunes using the link to the right or download the show by clicking HERE. Until our next episode, you all enjoy your GALLOWAY Extra Mile.