Expat Files - 02/21/14

The Expat Files: Living in Latin America show

Summary: -By now long time listeners know all about the “Gringo Advantage”. They know it’s especially strong the farther one gets off the gringo tourist trail. But note that when you first get down to Latin America, sometimes when that “advantage” is alive and well and working nicely in your favor.and you don’t even know it. So today we have some examples of that phenomena.-Maintaining a very low personal profile is very very difficult if not impossible when up in Hartford or Cleveland. However, you’d be amazed how easily it can be done here in Latin America. Now though it may seem ironic, in many cases the “gringo advantage” can actually help one keep a low profile!-A few things you should know about Latin ATM machines, Part 1.-RFID chips are now starting to appear on the latest Latin government ID documents: such as licenses and passports. But not to worry, as usual, Latin bureaucracies are missing some of the key pieces in the technology department.No surprise here. Guess what? So far, none of the RFID chips we have studies can actually be machine read or scanned.-New, fresh gringos and expats can get bouts of loneliness,especially if they don't know any Spanish. One way to handily conquer that feeling and make quick, long-lasting friendships is just get a cheap ($50) guitar. And if you have absolutely no talent or rhythm at all... just buy a blues harmonica in the key of “F” ( 25 bucks). And no kidding, in one hour you will be able to make some pretty nice sounds.-Follow the link on the main page at www.ExpatWisdom.com to schedule a private consultation with me. If you want to discuss the details of living, working, playing, doing business and/or retiring in Latin America, now you and I can talk about your situation one on one