Confidence – The Over Divorce Podcast

Over Divorce – Divorce, breakups and separation recovery podcast show

Summary: Confidence is explored further in this episode- extending on the subject covered in the previous Eric Von Sydow episode, Tom and Adrian discuss the need to find the confidence to regain the ability to accept risk. The hosts discuss the connection of personal fitness and nutrition in the process of recovering confidence. Adrian discusses his enthusiasm for smoothies containing Kale and protein powder. Tom discusses an older anecdotal study of twins using different fitness regimes and the results they achieved. Other Self-care methods and "controlling the controllables"are explored and discussed as is the pain associated with the loss of confidence and trust at the onset of a break-up. Tom brings up the organizational tactic of Time Blocking and advocates for applying it to gain further control of one's time as a means of improving confidence and paying one's self first. Adrian discusses the benefits of having things scheduled and releasing himself from the internal dialogue of having to decide what to eat or do next. Leveraging routine Andrian continues is the key to developing healthy habits. The discussion moves to shifting the internal critic to focus on what you are doing right as opposed to obsessing over what is going wrong. Adrian goes further to discuss the advantages of Eastern Martial Arts as a means to boost confidence.  Combat and competition can help focus the mind and find key areas to improve physically as well as discipline to ease and quiet the mind. The hosts discuss the advantages of Outward Bound  and how wilderness or survival training can do remarkable things for one's confidence. Tom mentions Kezia Noble and her references to confidence as a critical factor when men are assessed by women as potential dating candidates. The hosts discuss how important confidence is to dads with kids.  Confidence is critical in not allowing a danger power shift to occur between kids and their parents. If dad is viewed as lacking confidence and needing care, kids will be put at risk. The transcript for this episode is available here