The Expat Files - 02/07/14

The Expat Files: Living in Latin America show

Summary: Divorce Latin Style: in macho societies like Latin America, divorces are on a steady upswing but still much rarer than in the first-world. For one thing, its not a litigious society, and secondly the majority of people stuck in bad marriages are too poor to pay a lawyer and can’t skip work for court appearances. But most of all, divorce rates are low because women nearly always get screwed out of the assets (if any) in the process. The lady ends up with the kids, he gets his freedom and any assets he may have tucked away in the prelude to the divorce proceedings…and gets way with it. With Latin American divorces the man is almost always the winner. Even if saddled with child support or alimony, the majority of guys become fast deadbeats since there is little enforcement in that department either.-What do you know about the so-called National Police (Policia National Civil) and the other uniformed guys and gals: the Transit cops (Policia Transito)? Here’s a good primer on a subject that is certain to surprise you.-The more time you spend in Latin America the more chance you have to get pulled over at a road block by one type of cop division or other. Its inevitably going to happen so you might as well be ready for it. So what’s that all about, will they violate your rights(do they even know you have rights?). What's the best way for a gringo or expat to deal with it? Get ready for more surprises..-Follow the link on the main page at to schedule a private consultation with me. If you want to discuss the details of living, working, playing, doing business and/or retiring in Latin America, now you and I can talk about your situation one on one