Episode 131- EVENT HORIZON

Rewatchability is a Podcast. show

Summary: Dr. Alan Grant and Morpheus star in Paul Anderson’s 1997 Sci-Fi Horror flick Event Horizon. It terrified us when we were kids, but how does it hold-up now? Why would anyone build a spaceship that looks like a medieval sex dungeon?  Is space populated mostly with the ghosts of our past regrets? Who names a  spaceship after a Dean Cain TV show? To hear us answer these questions and more, download the link below, or better yet, subscribe on iTunes! And be sure to follow us on Twitter! Episode 131- EVENT HORIZON Joining us this week is guest Dan Gorman from See You Next Wednesday and Time Bandits, which you can find at modernsuperior.com WARNING: the podcast contains strong language and immature subject matter, please be advised. [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OVlnER8SxfQ]