Expat Files - 12/27/13

The Expat Files: Living in Latin America show

Summary: -You may have heard one can buy and sell human hair on certain internet websites for $1000 plus a crack. Although I have never met a stateside person who’s actually done it, down here in Latin America I’ve meet more than a few Latin mothers who have. Nope, it’s not mother selling her own hair either.. its one of the kid’s hair that goes on the chopping block. Sure moms bribe their kids to do it. And once the little tyke with the great locks gets about 14 years old the shearing stops since there can be a fierce mother/daughter yelling match. That’s the age when a buzz cut is just too harsh and embarrassing for any female adolescent to handle…-What about the question of making money beekeeping in Latin America? The two main things certain people want to know: (1) Have the Africanized bees made it down south yet? (2) Have keepers experienced the dreaded “colony collapse” like up in the states and Europe?-Getting over the creepy crawly syndrome: When fresh gringos and new expats first get down here they are generally freaked out by the extreme closeness of nature… I’m referring to bugs, bats, snakes and all those nameless creatures you saw only on the Nature channel in the comfort of your lounge chair. But now they're outside scratching at your door!-For all of you wannabes and gonnabees with allergy meds and inhalers wondering about the allergy and asthma situation in Latin America… get ready for a real eye-opener! Considering there are jungles, forests and masses of vegetation, that means more pollen and spores- not to mention peanuts are grown and consumed all over Latin America too. How worried should you be?-My January 2014 “Expat Wisdom” seminar is almost filled. To get one of the last 2 spots available, check out the agenda and the signup details by clicking on the Latin American Seminar link on the top of the www.ExpatWisdom.com mainpage.-Follow the link on the main page at www.ExpatWisdom.com to schedule a private consultation with me. If you want to discuss the details of living, working, playing, doing business and/or retiring in Latin America, now you and I can talk about your situation one on one