How to Price Real Estate for MAXIMUM Value! Upcoming Class!

The Red Pill Investor show

Summary: In this podcast, I take a few minutes to make some observations about pricing, and how to become a better salesperson in the terms of pricing Real Estate.What you will find...- If you are new, why 2014 will pose new challenges that you have probably never faced before.- Why, if you are an agent, you have a terrific year in your future.- How increasing competition from Agents and other Investors can affect your values.- Why Terms are more important than Price.This upcoming class will be Sunday December the 15th via Fuze Webinar. If you would like to attend, please register below! For $20 here is what you will receive...- A Complimentary copy of my $25 Book "The Millionaire Mindset"- A Workbook for the class- A 1- 1/2 hour class- A recording of the class.By the time you have completed the class, you will have a better understanding how to read statistics, comparables, Presentation skills to Sellers regarding comparables, and using pricing strategy to your advantage!