#Disney, Long Lines & #Autism

the Talk 2 Q Radio Show! show

Summary: Tonight, I'm joined by advocate, Kim McClain. Kim will discuss how a trip to "The Magic Kingdom" can turn into "A Tragic Kingdom" for special needs children. What was once a special needs-friendly theme park has turned into a free-for-all thanks to a few bad apples. Now instead of special needs children being accommodated with shorter, segregated lines, they now have to wait with the general public. Is it fair or foul to put these kids in this situation? Should the park revert back to the old rules which allowed special needs childrenĀ a chance to avoid long waits? Kim tells her story as she joins the Talk 2 Q Radio Show! We'll also ask the Show Legends if you can remain platonic with an attractive roommate and talk astrology! "No experts. Just opinions." www.Talk2Q.com