The Secret World of Arrietty (Movie)

Anime.SrPodcast show

Summary: "The Secret World of Arrietty" based upon a novel called "The Borrowers" was recently released in theaters in the US. Carter and Matt got around to seeing it and finally reviewing this latest Studio Ghibli film. If you haven't seen it, you can probably still catch it in theaters (as of the release of this podcast 3/13/2012) ANN Link: The Secret World of Arrietty ——————————————————————— Carter: Thumbs Up Matt: Thumbs Up ——————————————————————— Where can I buy it? (Bluray Prices) Out in theaters now! (3/13/2012) AX 2012 Donations Hey again just like last year we are asking you our loyal (hopefully) listeners for donations to get us to Anime Expo 2012 in sunny downtown Los Angeles, California. This year the flavour is kind of different but the same in many ways. Carter will still be attending but instead of asking for donations for Al, instead we'll be taking donations for our new host Matt! We haven't had many episodes in the recent months but we plan to have a large amount of content in the next few months to warrant a change of heart from you all. So if you can spare a few bucks toss a few bucks our way on our website and click on the ChipIn button at the bottom of the page. Thanks.