Expat Files - 04/12/13

The Expat Files: Living in Latin America show

Summary: The dates for the next Expat Wisdom “Latin American Insider Seminar” (well off the gringo tourist trail of course) will be Sunday, June 23, thru Friday, June 28. In the first part of today’s show you’ll get many of the specifics but do be sure to go to ExpatWisdom.com and click on the seminar link for in-depth details and pricing… -One big reason so many expat wanabees remain on the fence and never actually get to Latin America is because they have a real fear of failure. Somehow they have it in their minds that they won’t be able to make a go of it on the nest-egg they have, no matter how big or small. So in a sense they are letting their first-world comfort-based cradle-to-grave paradigm get in the way of their goals. -I'm happy when expats and wanabees have a common dream of retiring or semi-retiring in Latin America... but I wince when I hear that the other half of that dream is to own and operate a restaurant! Jeese Louise!....seems like every gringo thinks there's a chef in the family! In reality the restaurant biz has always been very hard work with miserably long hours… and no one who’s ever done it will admit that it resembles anything close to semi-retirement. Even so, there can be rewards and some great success stories if you can find that certain “niche” market…. that's IF you can find it!            -Buying, renting or partnering up with an existing small business in Latin America- Part 1. Some pitfalls you should know about- if for example, you wish to buy a going concern, like a mom and pop hotel or a restaurant. Listen to Part 2 on the next show. -Follow the link on the main page at www.ExpatWisdom.com to schedule a private consultation with me. If you want to discuss the details of living, working, playing, doing business and/or retiring in Latin America, now you and I can talk about your situation one on on