What is Considered Rape?

the Talk 2 Q Radio Show! show

Summary: In the minds of many, there are so many variations of rape: assault rape, date rape, drunk rape, etc.  A lot of guys feel like they get the short end of the stick when it comes to proving rape in court.   Do we need to change our approach of how we try rape cases?  In situations when it's her word versus his word and no physical evidence, what route should we take?  We'll discuss this in relation to the Ohio teens recently sentenced for raping a girl at a party. We'll also discuss Rick Ross rapping about date rape in one of his songs.  Simply entertainment or was it irresponsible? All of these things and more on what will undoubtedly be the most controversial Talk 2 Q Radio Show to date. "No experts. Just opinions." www.Talk2Q.com Show No. 210