Holy Shatt Episode 4: Special Treatment, another contest

Holy Shatt Podcast show

Summary: I really hate writing up show notes, but I guess it comes with the business. Congrats to our first contest winner @kancer, you won the 60 day game card. A huge thanks to all those who participated it means a lot to know this show has listeners! To show my love another contest has been announced, just send Tech Hero or Holy Shatt your questions. An email gets you one entry but a phone call gets you two! In this weeks episode I rant a bit about the special treatment Paragon gets in WoW, and just to be a sport give a major blog article they wrote a plug on the differences between 10 and 25 man raiding. You can find the article here. I also talk about Blizzard making another international move, Valor going to T11, Android finally getting the WoW armory instead of just WoW remote, and tips on how to make WoW run better on your PC. I also take an indepth look at the Ask the Dev's #11 on healing. Check it out and enter the next contest!